Unique Tokenomics Built To Run!

True Hyper Deflationary Tokenomics specifically designed for an ever increasing price!

ca: 0x495e02A6E3aa2283d736EdC3bcaC67224054E394

Hyper-Deflationary Token
Auto Buyback & Burn
Ethereum Chain
Passive Reflections
Auto Liquidity Injections

Revolutionizing Tokenomics for a Stronger Tomorrow.

Step into the realm of limitless possibilities with $RUNNER, an innovative and groundbreaking cryptocurrency smart contract built on the Ethereum blockchain. Our tokenomics are designed to revolutionize the way communities engage, collaborate, and prosper in the decentralized world with never ending reflections, buybacks, burns, & liquidity injections. Every aspect of our token has been meticulously crafted to ensure the utmost transparency, fairness, and inclusivity for all token holders.

How it works

How $RUNNER Works:

$RUNNER sets itself apart with a nominal 5% tax fee that promotes liquidity while redistributing value to the community. Here’s how each component works to empower holders:

1% Auto Buyback

We automatically buy back tokens, ensuring a solid floor price and showcasing strength to outsiders. Watch the chart rise as the floor continuously strengthens.

1% Auto Burn

The supply of $RUNNER is always shrinking! With every transaction, tokens are burned, reducing supply and increasing value for holders. The more you hold, the more valuable your tokens become.

1% Auto Reflections

Earn passive income just by holding $RUNNER! With auto reflections, your wallet balance grows automatically, as the community prospers together.

1% Auto Liquidity

Seamless trading is guaranteed with automatic liquidity injections. This keeps the marketplace robust and ensures smooth transactions, no matter the market conditions.

1% Project Wallet

These funds allow us to expand the $RUNNER brand globally, through marketing campaigns, partnerships, and future growth opportunities. The stronger our exposure, the stronger the community.

Runner Swap

You can easily swap $Runner right here. Service provided by Flooz.

Welcome to $Runner

True Hyper-Deflationary Tokenomics specifically designed for an ever-increasing price!

Runner © 2024 All Rights Reserved